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  Comparison of simulated and experimental line cuts shows that when the nanotube is placed on a support with similar electronic structure (on the top of the raft, (Fig. 1.), the geometric line cut does not differ significantly from the quantum line cut (Cf. Fig. 7.). Major distortion that influences the apparent tube diameter is geometric convolution of the tip with the tube. When the nanotube is on a support with different electronic properties, the simplification used in the quantum line cut calculation: EF and W in the nanotube and in the support is identical, is not valid. In case of the geometric line cut this can be taken in account by increasing the value of the tunneling gap over the support as compared to the value over the nanotube. This resuls in a continuous increase of distortion in the apparent diameter of the nanotube with increase of difference in electronic structure of the nanotube as compared to graphite. Ratio of HW to h versus increase of tunneling gap over the support is shown in Fig. 8..

Figure 8: HW / h versus increase of tunneling gap above the support. Definition of HW, h, and gap increase is given on the geometric line cut shown on the inset.

Comparing the case of the nanotube over the raft, i.e. identical electronic structure, with Fig. 8., one may conclude that in the experimental case the distortion agrees within experimental error with the value corresponding to zero tunnel gap increase in the figure.

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