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Authors : Balázs,Erzsébet;Papp,Gyöngyi;Márk,Géza
Title : Calculation of tunnel current along semiclassical trajectories for STM
BookTitle : Abstract Book, EPS 8th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division
Editors :
PubDateYear : 1988
PubDateOther :
Volume :
Series :
StartPage :
EndPage :
Publisher : unpublished
Address :
Keywords : TOP_Tunnel;W_Theory;YEAR_Before1998;W_Semiclassical;W_STM;TOP_Methodology
Notes :
Abstract : The dependence of tunnel current on geometric parameters (rotational hyperboloid shaped tip, plane anode) is studied. The transition probability through a phenomenological potential barrier is calculated along semiclassical trajectories in plane wave approximation. The current is obtained as a sum of suitably weighted current densities calculated from the above defined transitional probability.
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