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Authors : Márk,G.,I.;Biró,L.,P.;Gyulai,J.
Title : Computer simulation of the STM imaging of nanometric 3D objects on a support: carbon nanotubes
BookTitle : Electronic Properties of Novel Materials -- Progress in Molecular Nanostructures, 28 February - 3. March 1998, Kirchberg, Austria
Editors : Kuzmany,Hans;Fink,Jörg;Mehring,Michael;Roth,Siegmar
PubDateYear : 1998
PubDateOther :
Volume : 442
Series : AIP Conference Proceedings
StartPage : 164
EndPage : 167
Publisher : American Institute of Physics
Address : Woodbury, New York
ISBN : 1-56396-808-8
Keywords : TOP_Tunnel;W_Theory;W_Experiment;W_Schroed;W_WP;W_STM;W_Nanotube
Notes :
Abstract : Till now STM and AFM are the only tools able to probe in the same time the physical properties and able to give information on the geometric parameters (diameter, length) of an individual nanotube. However, tunneling through a nanotube is a much more complex phenomenon than STM imaging of an atomically flat crystalline surface. Besides geometric convolution effects[1], and the resonant tunneling through the two tunneling gaps: STM tip-nanotube, and nanotube-substrate[2], differences in the electronic properties of the nanotube and of the support may play a major role. We used a method based on the wave-packet dynamical calculation of time dependent tunneling current density in the STM tip-nanotube-support system in order to separate the distortion arising in the STM image formation process in pure geometric and electronic effects. The simulated line cuts for the case of a nanotube on a support with similar electronic structure, and for the case of a nanotube on a support with different electonic structure are coincident with experimental data. Out results show that the interpretation of scanning tunneling spectroscopy data of carbon nanotubes has to be done with lots of precautions. 1. L. P. Biró et al., Phys. Rev. B56(1997)12490. 2. L. P. Biró et al., Carbon, in press.
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