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Authors : Vasvári,Béla;Márk,Géza
Title : Electronic density of states for amorphous alloys of Titanium-Copper
BookTitle : Proceedings of the Int.Conf. on Rapidly Quenched Metals, Würtzburg 1984
Editors :
PubDateYear : 1985
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Volume :
Series :
StartPage :
EndPage :
Publisher : Pergamon
Address : New York
Keywords : TOP_Misc;YEAR_Before1998;W_Theory
Notes :
Abstract : The electronic density of states of cluster composed from Ti and Cu was calculated in the local coherent potential approximation (LCPA). Using real space representations and the muffin-tin approximation calculations were carried out for different composition rates and for different structures simulating the possible short range orders of the amorphous alloys. By comparing the numerical results with experimental data one can collest arguments for the geometrical structure of these alloys.
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