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Authors : Turcu,R.;Darabont,Al.;Nan,A.;Aldea,N.;Macovei,D.;Bica,D.;Vekas,L.;Pana,O.;Soran,M.,L.;Koós,A.,A.;Bíró,L.,P.
Title : New polypyrrole-multiwall carbon nanotubes hybrid materials
JournalName : Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
PubDateYear : 2006
PubDateOther :
Volume : 8
Issue :
StartPage : 643
EndPage : 647
Keywords :
Notes :
Abstract : We report the synthesis and characterization of new hybrid materials based on conducting polypyrrole (PPY) and multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). MWCNTs were prepared by spray-pyrolysis of liquid hydrocarbon-ferrocene solution in an Ar atmosphere. The composites (PPY-CNT) were obtained by in-situ chemical oxidative polymerization of pyrrole in aqueous solution containing MWCNTs. The addition of a water based Fe3O4 nanofluid to the polymerization solution results in the formation of a new hybrid nanostructure of MWCNTs coated with PPY containing magnetic nanoparticles. The properties of PPY composites were investigated by TEM, SEM, FTIR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. MWCNTs covered with PPY have a rough surface, containing some globular forms typical for the polymer. Significant differences between IR spectra for PPY and PPY-CNT nanocomposites appear for the bands ascribed to pyrrole ring vibrations, suggesting that an interaction between the polymer and CNT occurs and this could change the polymer conformation. XRD analysis shows that the crystalline structure of MWCNTs doesn’t change significantly by the association with conducting PPY.
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