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Authors : Skákalová,V.;Maultzsch,J.;Osváth,Z.;Bíró,L.,P.;Roth,S.
Title : Intermediate frequency modes in Raman spectra of Ar+-irradiated single-wall carbon nanotubes
JournalName : Physica Status Solidi (RRL)
PubDateYear : 2007
PubDateOther :
Volume : 1
Issue :
StartPage : 138
EndPage : 140
Keywords :
Notes :
Abstract : We study the effect of Ar+ irradiation on the intermediate frequency modes (IFM) in Raman spectra of single-wall carbon nanotubes. We observe new features in the intermediate frequency region from 386 to 635 cm–1 as the defect concentration increases, whereas at the same time there is a decrease of other IFM modes. After annealing in vacuum, the IFM modes recover and become similar to those of the nanotubes before irradiation. We interpret the new features in the Raman spectra as originating from the phonon density of states that becomes visible in the Raman process due to the presence of defects.
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