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Authors : Balázsi,Cs;Shen,Z;Kónya,Z;Kasztovszky,Zs;Wéber,F;Vértesy,Z;Biró,L,P;Kiricsi,I;Arató,P
Title : Processing of carbon nanotube reinforced silicon nitride composites by spark plasma sintering
JournalName : Composite Science and Technology
PubDateYear : 2005
PubDateOther :
Volume : 65
Issue :
StartPage : 722
EndPage : 733
Keywords : W_Theory;W_Composites
Notes :
Abstract : A novel sintering method, spark plasma sintering has been applied to develop carbon nanotube reinforced silicon nitride composites. For sake of comparison hot isostatic pressing has been also used for composite processing. Optimization of the elaboration processes has been conducted to preserve the carbon nanotubes in composites and to avoid damaging during high temperature processing. A suitable bonding between carbon nanotube and silicon nitride have been also monitored. Nearly full compacted composites with superior mechanical properties have been obtained in the case of novel sintering method, whereas the conventional sintering resulted in porous samples.
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