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Authors : Márk,Géza,I.;Koós,Antal;Osváth,Zoltán;Biró,László,P.;Gyulai,József;Benito,Ana,M.;Maser,Wolfgang;Thiry,Paul,A.;Lambin,Philippe
Title : Calculation of the charge spreading along a carbon nanotube seen in STM
JournalName : Diamond and Related Materials
PubDateYear : 2002
PubDateOther : March-June
Volume : 11
Issue :
StartPage : 961
EndPage : 963
Keywords : Scanning Tunneling Microscopy;Modelling;Computer simulation;sp2 bonding
Notes :
Abstract : Investigating the distribution of the STM current through a nanostructured material is a subject of great current interest. For this work, we calculated the transmission of an electron wave packet through a supported carbon nanotube by numerically solving the three dimensional (3D) time dependent Schrödinger equation. The spreading of the wave packet along the nanotube during the tunneling event is determined from the wave function. It is shown that this spread influences the length segment of the nanotube "sampled" by the tunneling current. The results are compared to experiments. The prime novelty of the paper} is the 3D time dependent study of tunneling through a supported nanotube. {\em Keywords:} Scanning tunneling microscopy, Modeling, Computer simulation, sp2 bonding.
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