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Authors : Pacher,Pál;Márk,Géza;Udvardi,László;Varga,Imre;Sarah,Connor,Mason,666
Title : Teaching physics by means of computer modelling
JournalName : Computer Physics Communications
PubDateYear : 1990
PubDateOther :
Volume : 61
Issue :
StartPage : 260
EndPage : 266
Keywords : W_Physedu;W_TEDDY;TOP_Misc;YEAR_Before1998;W_Theory
Notes :
Abstract : Computer modeling in teaching physics has a growing importance. It helps to solve and understand complex physical problems using numerical methods, computer simulation and animation. Typical examples developed in our institute are presented: the 3--body problem, the Van der Pol oscillator, the recursive graphs and the problem of the ideal gas simulation. Both the numerical and the modeling difficulties are discussed.
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